Cusco now


Our workshops

Do you want to learn to spin with a drop spindle or weave with a backstrap loom of the traditional Andean practices? Do you want to study techniques that the Inca and their ancestors used? Would you like to be in contact with some of the local weavers who work with CTTC and learn about their culture and traditions?

Participating in our workshops is a wonderful way to begin to understand not only the mechanics but also the mentality of creating textiles in the Andes. The Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco currently offers two different workshops, please fill out the Sign-Up Form below if you are interested in taking a course or contact us if you have any questions. Please review the workshop`s FAQ before contacting us with any questions you may have.

A Note About How We Organize Classes:
Instructors from the different communities that are part of the CTTC teach the courses we offer.

Our workshops

1 to 3 Days

Weaving Course

Learning to weave on a traditional backstrap loom is a challenging but rewarding experience. Children begin learning when they are about 6-8 years old. The first textiles they weave are thin ribbons called jakima. Your instructor will guide you through the ancient process of learning to weave on a jakima, beginning with plain-weave and moving on to simple designs. For those with prior experience, the class starts with more complex designs on larger textiles such as the chumpi, or belt.

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1 to 3 Days

Spinning Course

Have you ever wondered how weavers use a simple drop spindle to produce the huge quantities of thread they need to create their beautiful textiles? How do they keep the spindle spinning, and what really are the mechanics behind it? Learn the answers to all of these questions and more as you practice making your own alpaca thread with a pushka, the Quechua word for drop spindle. Spinning instructors from the different communities one-on-one instruction to help you master the deceptively simple art of spinning.

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