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Cultural blogs

Showing 20 results

Our Newest Exhibition: “Revitalizing Ticlla Watay: A Fear of Void”


Step into a world where ancient traditions meet modern innovation, our new temporary exhibit invites you on a journey through the vibrant legacy of Andean textile artistry.

Published: 27/03/2024

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Christmas CTTC 2021

CTTC - Nilda Callañaupa

Although vaccines have been controlling the massive contagions of covid-19, some are still affected, sick and even in critical condition.

Published: 20/12/2021

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I want to keep pulling my thread

CTTC - Yanett Melo.

I want to share, my experience from the moment CTTC started in Pitumarca, we were only four girls, Teófila, Valeria, Herminia and I, who followed their mothers, but the conditions were to go with a typical suit, know how to do something like for example

Published: 23/10/2021

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Ancient techniques of girdling from Paracas and Nazca


In these moments of health emergency, It only remains to learn to live with energy and a positive mind. I believe that the happiness of our lives consists in doing something for someone who needs us and CTTC continues with the work of weaving in the face of the situation in which we live.

Published: 16/09/2021

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Let’s Celebrate Our Mothers !!


Mothers all over the world form an important part of our lives. They never say no when we ask for help, and they teach us everything they know to make things easier for us. Without our mothers, life wouldn't be the same.  Likewise, mothers are essential to achieve CTTC’s mission. 

Published: 03/05/2021

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Exhibition "Awaqpa Wasin"


The Awacpa Wasin exhibition was created to represent a traditional house occupied by weavers between the years 1960 to 1990 in the community of Chinchero. This exhibition is not a replica of an historic house, but serves as a means to interpret the stories and anecdotes of the Chinchero elders. It also shows wath traditional houses looked like based on visits houses of this type that still exist today.

Published: 01/10/2020

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"Weaving Lives" Museum


Visit our museum Weaving Lives on Av. Sol 603, Cusco, Peru and learn about the traditional weaving process through examples of the finest textiles from the Cusco region. Discover ancient techniques that weavers have recovered and explore textile traditions that are still being kept alive. The museum Weaving Lives provides a unique look into how textiles are used on a daily basis and throughout the lives of the people of Cusco. It’s a great stop for textile enthusiasts, families and the intrepid traveler alike.

Published: 01/10/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2006 Dress of the Mummy Juanita


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 24/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2018 Paracas and Nazca Looping


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 24/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2016 Double Weave


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 24/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2014 Groupal Special Pieces


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions 2012 - 2013 Textile Pieces Innovation


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2011 Traditional Pieces


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2010 Traditions from your Comunity


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2009 Miniatures Textiles / Groupal Pieces


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2008 Traditional Costumes from your Community


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2007 Groupal Pieces


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - 2005 Traditional Textiles


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Weaving Competitions - Concurso Michell 2019


Annually, the CTTC has organized diverse weaving competitions for both the adult and young weavers groups of the ten associations partnered to the Center; inviting in some opportunities regional weavers to participate too. The Weaving Competitions have fulfilled the mission of the Education Department to promote the re-appreciation of ancestral textiles by inspiring the weavers to delve into their past and revive techniques that had not been woven for hundreds of years. In this way, the weavers have accomplished to produce the finest woven pieces using their knowledge, traditions, and creativity through these competitions.

Published: 23/09/2020

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Secrets of Spinning, Weaving, and Knitting in the Peruvian Highlands

By Nilda Callañaupa Alvarez Published by Thrums Books

Artisans of all ages share their knowledge, lore, and deep skills, highlighting many of the techniques used by spinners, weavers, and knitters of the Andes. Concise step-by-step instructions and rich photography give readers the how-to of several textile secrets of the Peruvian highlands.

Published: 23/09/2020

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