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Ancient techniques of girdling from Paracas and Nazca

Author: CTTC

Published: 16/09/2021


General News


In these moments of health emergency, all that remains is to learn to live with energy and a positive mind. I believe that the happiness of our lives consists in doing something for someone who needs us and CTTC continues with the work of weaving in the face of the situation in which we live.
Here as a comment, one of the works that the Community Development area has been doing is work with children and young weavers in the ancestral techniques of Paracas and Nazca banding. In 2018, a few young people who already knew this technique went to the group of older weavers, some retired to start their families and others left to continue their higher studies. However, many boys who had yet to learn are currently putting it into practice, as is the case with the following associations:
Huacatinco.- The ringed fabric requires good eyesight and a lot of patience, and the children and young people of this place have been persevering, although at the beginning they had small failures, what is redeemable is that they overcome and the perseverance they show. In the month of July and part of August, they wove some toads that they obtained with very particular silhouettes, the weaving they made is made of very thin threads, tiny pieces. For this work, each child was provided with photocheck-type laminated figures, this facilitated their work, and for me the achievement of the children is very satisfactory, they have managed to learn the technique, the only thing they need is to replicate the figures of the cloak of Paracas - Nazca.
These works can be displayed on backpacks, bags, hats, caps or as necklaces, key chains, etc.
It should be noted that we have planned the works from August 15 to September 12 in large pieces, and later we are thinking of small pieces, already replicating a small part of the Paracas - Nazca mantle.
Chumbivilcas.- The children and young people worked from May to August 15, large-sized pieces, the work was very long because there were many cases of Covid in the place, this made the work difficult, in spite of it the same They obtained 2 large pieces, they made and a different version of the designs of the cloak, resulting in beautiful works, here the most valuable thing is the technique and the effort, the patience that the children and young people put into it. These can be to decorate your rooms, bedrooms, offices, etc.
For the months of September and October we plan to continue working on thick wool, hoping for greater achievements.
Patabamba.- In the months of April and May small pieces of thin thread were put into practice, they wove hummingbirds, the result was beautiful works for decorative use, and for the months of June, July and August sheets were sent to make large pieces that are still in process, I am sure that their work will be excellent.
Accha Alta.- The boys replicated in large pieces the first in April and May, and the second in June and July, without a doubt the technique was achieved, in fact they lack a bit to strengthen the figures of the mantle.
Chahauytire, Pitumarca and Sallac are in the process of weaving.
It should be noted in general these pieces are very precious, unique, they will never weave it the same and it will be opportune that they can obtain these pieces and let's not forget that behind each work is the history, effort and smile of children and young people.
Yolanda Jaimes C.
Community Development.